
Wednesday 15 June 2016

Week 7 Term 2 - 2016 Reading Activities for Authors and Publishers

Week 7  Term 2 -  Connected 2012 - Level 4 Oceans - Taking the Bait by Kate Potter, Pgs24 - 25
WALT:We are learning to make predictions using visual cues and our prior knowledge on the topic or title and by reading the text..
SUCCESS CRITERIA: I am able to confirm my prediction by reading the text.
Read the text and then do the following Activities.

Activity 1 - Predict
  1. Read the title of the article and then predict what the article is about. ( You could begin like this: “I predict this article is about………”
My Predictions:
I predict that that this article is about birds taking the bait.
I predict that this article is about birds taking the food for the fish.
I predict that this article is about fishing.
I predict that this article is about  Fishermen's.
I predict that this article is about Seabirds.
I predict that this article is about Birds caching the fishermen's fish.
I predict that this article is about a Fishermen.
Activity  2. Read the text with your group and identify the key ideas in the text to help you clarify your predictions.
Key Ideas:
Dave Kellian is a fisher and an inventor.
One day, he and his crew were throwing
Pilchards [a type of fish] over the side of their boat to attract tuna. But seabirds kept stealing the pilchards from the water.

After a few experiment, the crew discovered that they needed to release the pilchards at a depth of about 10 meters so that the birds wouldn’t dive for them.

The Crew went home with a good catch of turn Dave went home with an idea about how to make life safer of seabirds.

Seabirds kept on stealing the pilchards from the water.
Activity 3 - Clarify. Make a list of any tricky or new words, phrases or ideas.Clarify the meaning of all these  tricky words, phrases and ideas.   

Activity 4 - Write down the meanings of all the unfamiliar words you have identified in activity 3
Word Meanings:
Pilchards: a small, edible, commercially valuable marine fish of the herring family.

Surface: the outside part or uppermost layer of something.

Albatrosses: the outside part or uppermost layer of something.

Prototype:a first or preliminary version of a device or vehicle from which other forms are developed.

Percent: by a specified amount in or for every hundred.

Depth: the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something.

Vessels: A ship or large boat

Activity 5 - Questioning and Discussion - What did you learn from this text? What else are you wondering about?
(Write your questions down)
My Questions:
1. Why are people taking fishes from the sea?

2.What is the bird that takes most of the bait?

3.Where can u by the bait?

4.Who makes the bait?

Activity 6 - For this activity, you are required to reread the text and find answers to the questions you wrote down for activity 4
My Answers:
1. People takes the fishes because some people have no money to buy fish so they just go fishing.

2.  The birds that takes the bait is the Seabirds.

3. You can buy the bait at the Mad butcher is New Zealand.

4. The that work at the Sea and the people that makes the sea food.

Activity 7 - Share your findings on the text by creating a summary of what you have found out.
Summary: Write down the key ideas you will use in your summary
Dave Kellian is a fisher and an inventor. One day he and his crew were throwing pilchards [a type of fish] over the side of their boat to attract tuna. But seabirds kept stealing the pilchards from the water.
Activity 8 - Share your work on your individual blog.

Summary:Dave Kellian is a fisher and an inventor. One day he and his crew were throwing pilchards [a type of fish] over the side of their boat to attract tuna. But seabirds kept stealing the pilchards from the water.

Title: Taking The Bait

Author: Kate Potter

This article is about This article is about Seabirds trying to take the bait and the bait always get waisted.  


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